Life Guards

Since the beginning of the year, there have been many vast changes that have taken place at the site. The most striking is that of the decaying and transformation of life forms here.
The msot eveident one in my opinion is that of the life cycle of the bull rushes coming to it's end, and the cycle starts again and we are currently experiencing the start of their new generation.

Also a big and largely noticable change is the arrival of the RNLI Lifeguards. Their arrival has been prompted by the increase in surfers as the weather betters itself and the holiday and peak season fast approaches.

Here a few shots to document their activity, here at the site.

The above images will form part of an image essay. An image essay is a series of images, (for example six) displaying a narrative.
For the project I will produce two photographic essays. One on the life guards and one one the seal release activity here on site, and working closely with the Seal sanctuary at Gweek.